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Nordea Corporate Netbank - Q&A
Nordea Corporate Netbank - Q&A

Hvordan sette opp bank integrasjon med Nordea Corporate Netbank - Q&A

Daniel Jara avatar
Skrevet av Daniel Jara
Oppdatert for over 6 måneder siden



Artikkelen er skrevet av Tobias Funder i Aiia. Vi eier ikke artikkelen, men har henvist teksten under.

For business users:

Q: How do I log in as a Nordea business user (SE)?

A: Logging in to Nordea's Swedish business solution requires a 10 digit organisation number or a 12 digit social security number (SSN), if you run a sole trader company. The ID you sign in with have to match the selections you make on Nordea's interface.

Q: How do I log in as a Nordea business user (FI)?

A: Log in to Nordea's Finnish business solution requires an 8 digit FO number (no hyphen). The ID you sign in with have to match the selections you make on Nordea's interface.

For corporate users:
This information is obtained from Nordea:

Q: As a Nordea Corporate Netbank (CN) customer, how can I use the PSD2 interfaces through my service provider?

A: Corporate Netbank customer prerequisites. A customer must have:

  • A Corporate Cash Management Agreement (CCM)

  • Nordea Corporate accounts in Corporate Netbank.

  • One or several CN Administrators in the CM Agreement

Q: How do I get access to Production?

A: Make sure that a Corporate Netbank Administrator is appointed to the new role for Open Banking Administration in Corporate Netbank Administration (CNA). Please contact Nordea to empower one or several Administrators for the Open Banking role.

Q: How can I give consent to corporate customer accounts?

A: The Open Banking Administrator needs to activate Codes App to be able to grant access to all accounts under the CN agreement to the selected TPP in the PSD2 scope.

Q: Where can I find my corporate login ID?

A: The Agreement number and LogonID of users are found in “My profile” in Corporate Netbank.

Q: Do I need a dedicated administrator with special access rights?

A: A Corporate Netbank (CN) administrator should be appointed for the Open Banking role to be able to manage access to all corporate customer’s accounts. If Administrators are “acting together”, both Administrators need to be present during the Authorization (Log in) to the Application.

Q: How can I get the Nordea Codes app to work for my company?

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